Xero Consolidator
Consolidating transactions in Xero to overcome Xero’s capacity limitations
The challenge
eCommerce or inventory systems can generate a large amount of orders which are in fact all cash orders. For example: imagine an ecommerce website that generates a 100 transactions per day. This will amount to 3,000 per month, which is well beyond he recommended use of Xero and also takes a toll on manual work required in the reconciliation of all these transactions, their effect on reports etc.
On top of this, an integration such as Unleashed Software creates 2 transactions for each sale: an invoice, and a SOH/COGS movement. So now we have double the number of transactions.
The solution
For our customers who have an issue with large numbers of transaction in Xero which are not really needed in their accounting software, we introduced a consolidator. It goes into Xero every night, identifies the invoices that are not needed individually and elegantly batches them into a single invoice.
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you.