RCTI for Xero
Bulk creation of RCTIs in Xero and emailing them to suppliers
What the problem was
Recepient Created Tax Invoices (RCTI) is a long-standing member in the Xero feature requests forum (link?, also link back from there with a comment, see if Xero can put a link for us? Inform the Xero staff in the forum of this solution) Surely Xero will build this feature at some stage, but for now there is still a gap in the bulk creation and emailing out of RCTIs in Xero.
How they work now
ConvertworX has built a custom automation that grabs a data file, generates bills in Xero and emails the RCTI documents to the suppliers. It also attached the PDF document to the bill in Xero for future reference. At one click of a button, the RCTI problem is solved.
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you.
Document printing for Xero
Printing Work Orders and Label sheets for Xero orders
Original client brief
This catering business needs to print Work Orders and Labels with barcodes for all their dishes.
This was a startup business with a large contract that just had to hit the ground running in a very short time.
The solution
We chose to go with a lean ecosystem using Xero as the single system for managing orders.
We then set up a process that goes and prints Work Orders and Label sheets for new order as they are entered to Xero.
Implementation time
This solution was up and running 2 weeks after specification.
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you.
EDI for Unleashed
Receiving orders via EDI and automatically entering them to Xero
Original brief
The business had been using Unleashed Software for a while, when they started getting EDI orders from a large retail chain.
They spent long hours data entering to Unleashed.
There question to us was: do we have to migrate from Unleashed to another system?
The solution
Since Unleashed was working really well for them, fully integrated with Magento and Xero, we decided to keep it.
We ended up building a process that now receives the EDI orders and pushes them into Unleashed. Fast and accurately.
Implementation time
Once the spec was defined, the process was up and running within a week.
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you
Xero Consolidator
Consolidating transactions in Xero to overcome Xero’s capacity limitations
The challenge
eCommerce or inventory systems can generate a large amount of orders which are in fact all cash orders. For example: imagine an ecommerce website that generates a 100 transactions per day. This will amount to 3,000 per month, which is well beyond he recommended use of Xero and also takes a toll on manual work required in the reconciliation of all these transactions, their effect on reports etc.
On top of this, an integration such as Unleashed Software creates 2 transactions for each sale: an invoice, and a SOH/COGS movement. So now we have double the number of transactions.
The solution
For our customers who have an issue with large numbers of transaction in Xero which are not really needed in their accounting software, we introduced a consolidator. It goes into Xero every night, identifies the invoices that are not needed individually and elegantly batches them into a single invoice.
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you.
Unleashed Order Completor
Automatically completing web orders in Unleashed
Before the integration
These users of Unleashed Software have a linked eCommerce site that feeds orders into Unleashed. They deal with fulfilment of the orders through the website platform which has great facilities for shipping advices, tracking numbers etc. They then had to go into Unleashed every day and ‘complete’ all these orders one by one in a long tedious process.
How the integration works
An automated process now goes every night into Unleashed, identifies the orders that came from the website and completes them all automatically. No manual work needed
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you.
Job entry into simPRO
Automatic loading of large number of jobs into simPRO for NBN contractor
This simPRO user has an installation contract with NBN.
As part of the contract, they receive a daily file with hundreds of addresses and installation details on a daily basis from NBN.
They then have to return the same file with status updates on each job.
They had a team of 30 staff doing this data entry alone!
We built a process for them that picks up the NBN file and creates or updates all the job details into simPRO.
Entering the daily jobs into simPRO is now a two-click process with a 100% accuracy. The same goes for the update back to NBN at the end of the day.
Implementation time
Specification was a big part of this project as the requirements were very complex and we wanted to make sure that we are making the best use of simPRO.
We worked in a combined team including the client, simPRO and our business analysts.
Once specification was completed, the process was up and running live and tested within 6 weeks
Think you might benefit from a custom integration? Book a quick chat with ConvertworX and we will explore it with you.